A new year signals a new opportunity to participate in The Associated Schools (TAS) inter-school sporting competitions and events. Is there a new sport you have your sights set on this term?

Some people know exactly what sport they want to play but for others it can be a tough decision, especially when there are so many options to choose from. Whether you just want to try something completely different or you’re giving yourself a break from your usual sport, it can feel overwhelming and unfamiliar to try something new.

TAS offers Supplementary competitions where schools can enter additional teams in most sports. These competitions are a perfect opporunity for you to jump in and have a go at something new.

Here are some simple things to keep in mind when choosing a new sport.

What to consider when choosing a new sport?

Finding a new sport that you’re interested in might take some time, especially if you also need to learn the basics or understand the rules. To get started, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What sports have you played before and how much did you enjoy them?
  • What sports do you enjoy watching live or on TV?
  • What do you think of contact or non-contact sports?
  • What sports do your friends and family enjoy?

We all have at least one sport we love or one that we’re good at so consider choosing a complimentary sport that will help you develop your sporting skills, coordination and control. This might mean looking into joining soccer for kicking, tennis for hand-eye coordination or basketball for defense. An AusPlay Survey study found that the top activities for children were Swimming, Football (Soccer), Gymnastics, Basketball, Australian Football, Netball, Tennis and Cricket which should give you plenty of ideas!

Check with your school which sports are offered in which season, what development opportunities are available as well as the time commitments for games and training. An ongoing Australian study on sports participation and activities found that barriers for children aged 9 – 14 were that they didn’t like the sport or they had too many other commitments. It’s a good idea to talk with your parents about how you can make this new sport work with your own and your families schedules, considering things like tournaments and transportation.

Take the time to learn about your new sport outside of school to improve your general knowledge and help you think strategically about the games. If you’re not ready to try an entirely new sport, consider taking the opportunity to try out a different role in the sport you already love! Maybe you haven’t thought about giving goal defence or wing attack in netball a go before? Either way, approach the season with patience and give yourself time to practice. At the end of the day, you won’t know what you love or what you have potential in until you give it a try. The most important thing is to have fun and make new friends!

Sports offered by TAS in 2022

Term One

  • Girls’ Tennis
  • Boys’ Volleyball
  • Girls’ Basketball
  • Boys’ Cricket
  • Girls’ Football (Soccer)

Term Two

  • Girls’ Netball
  • Boys’ Rugby
  • Girls’ Hockey
  • Boys’ Tennis

Term Three

  • Girls’ Volleyball
  • Boys’ Basketball
  • Girls’ Touch
  • Boys’ Football (Soccer)

Different schools may offer other sports outside the TAS list of sports. To find out which sports are offered at your school, check out your school’s website or have a chat to the Director of Sport. If there’s a sport you’re interested in which isn’t offered by your school, talk to your Director of Sport to see if they know of any local clubs or associations.